NM: New Mexico rethinks sex-offender registry eluded by Epstein

[sfchronicle.com – 1/9/20]

Legislators will consider changes to the state’s sex offender registration policies in response to revelations that deceased financier and New Mexico ranch owner Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to avoid registering locally as a sex offender following a guilty plea a decade ago in Florida

Epstein was accused of abusing young women at his desert ranch outside the community of Stanley before his death last year behind bars.

Democratic New Mexico state Rep. Matthew McQueen of Galisteo said Thursday that he has filed a bill that would automatically require people who are registered as sex offenders in another state or U.S. territory to also register in New Mexico if they spend 20 cumulative days in the state during any calendar year. A stay of 10 consecutive days also would trigger the requirement.

Current New Mexico law requires registration only for out-of-state offense that are equivalent to New Mexico sex offenses.

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“Without changes New Mexico could become a haven for sex offenders.” Haaaaaahaaaaahaaaa! New Mexico has Jake Paterson(WI) in their lock up someplace in the state meaning one less cell for a local offender. Perhaps a public notice of that fact would make a salient point. Ten days is plenty of time to commit any sex crime and leave New Mexico.

A lot of folks think Epstein was murdered to keep him quiet. It is enough for me to know of his connections to lend validity to the possibilities of it. Then again most of the suicide attempts I’ve witnessed personally in lock up involved choking their self out” or attempt to do so. https://lostallhope.com/suicide-statistics/us-methods-suicide

Of course, punish those who have been following the rules to make up for the corruption in the injustice system that allowed the bilioaire trafficker to come and go as he pleases. What needs to be changed? When I register I have to give the address of all the residences I reside in. If I list residences that are out of state, Like a private island I frequent, then you can be sure there will be a problem. If I don’t list it and I’m not around for the annual compliance check because I am at un unregistered resident, then I will promptly be violated and taken into custody. The authority, everyone involved in supposedly supervising Epstein, was turning a blind eye. He was blatantly and arrogantly coming and going as he pleased because many people were getting favors of various kinds from him. The only thing that needs to change is investigating arresting those corrupt people in the injustice system who gave him special treatment. But that won’t happen, it will be more consequences, more restrictions, and more oppression and violation of civil rights for all of those on the registry that have been doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing.

I just KNEW they would use Epstein to further catapult hysteria and animosity against those made to register. Looks like we’ll all be suffering from the fallout and aftermath for years to come. This guy has become even more controversial and divisive post-mortem. It’s sad these high profile cases frame the public perception for everyone just because the media pounces on anything “sex offender” related. Again, it’s all about exploiting unwarranted fear and misguided child safety rhetoric.

Yes, because surely Epstein needed to be registered for everyone to know what kind of person he was.

Clearly it mattered not whether Epstein was required to register. He continued his behaviors in NY (registered), the USVI (registered), and NM (not registered). He perhaps even did things in FL (registered). If anything, Epstein is the poster child for the futility and uselessness of registries.

This is all just political posturing by Matthew McQueen and Attorney General Badaras who are trying to appear tough on crime. A second motivation might be an attempt to moot a current lawsuit by the local NARSOL affiliate.

Registration would have changed nothing. Jeffrey Epstein had a 1159 acre ranch far from any population centers (See Zorro Ranch on Google Earth). Ground access was severely restricted by double gated roads. The ranch has a private airstrip which was Epstein’s primary access . Chances are he didn’t go trolling for victims in the tiny nearby communities. His sweetheart Florida plea deal convicted him only of soliciting a 17-year-old prostitute. The corresponding statute in New Mexico requires registration if the prostitute is younger than 16. So of course he was not required to register.

As written, the proposed legislation would require persons who were convicted of a registerable offense in another state to register in New Mexico even if the act is not unlawful in the state. Local sexting teens are exempt from registration, but a teen convicted of sexting elsewhere would have to register.

No thought was given to this legislation at all. Hopefully legislators will consider more than “hang ’em high” McQueen.